Happiness and suffering are inter-are

To enjoy happiness doesn't mean we have

no suffering. The main affliction of modern

civilization is that we don't know how to

handle the suffering inside, so we try to cover

it up with all sorts of consumption, and the

marketplace is full of items to help distract

us. Until we're able to face our suffering, we

can't be available to life, and happiness will

continue to elude us. The art of happiness is

also the art of suffering well. When we learn to

acknowledge, embrace, and understand our

suffering, we suffer much less. One of the most

difficult things for us to accept is that there

is no place where there is only happiness

and no suffering. If we focus exclusively on

pursuing happiness, we may see suffering as only getting in the way of our happiness. The

practice of mindfulness, our capacity to dwell

in the present moment, is the best way to be

with our suffering without being overwhelmed

by it. With awareness of our in-breath and

out-breath, we generate the energy of

mindfulness, and take care of our suffering

by recognizing, accepting, and embracing it

tenderly. With mindfulness, we're no longer

afraid of pain, and we can generate the energy

of understanding and compassion that heals

and brings happiness both to ourselves and

to others. 50

Alleviating worry

The telephone