Green flags

Look for the green flags.

Everyone always tells you to look out for the red flags, but what about the green ones? Look out for him opening the door for you and for holding the elevator ones open. Look for him pulling out your chair, calling the Uber, and wiping off your makeup at the end of a long night. Look out for him holding your coat, saving your space in line, that small moment before you first kiss where he makes eye contact. Look out for what makes you feel alive, look out for the butterflies, look out for the warm fuzzy feeling you get when he reminds you that you’re beautiful.

Look out for the green flags, the flags that tell you to go for it. Don’t go looking for things that are wrong about them, go looking for the things that are right. Because at the end of the day if you can tally up the green flags, most chances are there weren’t very many red ones.

If you’re putting effort into looking for the red flags, the things that you didn’t like or the things you wish he did differently, that is effort you could be putting into noticing the things you did like. And if your brain automatically lists off the things you wish he had done differently rather than the things he did that you liked, he probably isn’t the one for you.

When you’re in love, or right before you’re about to fall- it’s what they call the honeymoon phase. Everything is supposed to feel right. Some people say this phase doesn’t last because it seems too good to be true. But I think that is what true love is- the whole damn thing is the honeymoon phase. The whole damn thing feels too good to be true only it isn’t.

If you’re that person looking for the red flags, give yourself permission to believe in him, to love him, to trust him until he gives you a reason not to. If you’re that person waiting for the honeymoon phase to end, if you’re that person that thinks it’s too good to be true, if you’re that person who looks for the red flags

give yourself permission to notice the green ones.

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