
An inspiring man I once knew.


“It’s moments like these where you know you’re truly happy. When you can stand in a blizzard getting beaten by sand, snow, winds that are 80 miles an hour plus, and all you can seem to do is smile.”

“For the first time in my life, I have achieved true peace. It’s like I’ve broken the threshold for happiness and unlocked a brand new feeling. It’s like my mind has finally connected with my body, I can think sharper, im more alert, ive even convinced myself that the sun is shining brighter. at first it felt like a dream, sitting on the quad watching people go by, so overcome by the feeling that I couldn’t focus on the work in front of me. my mind wanted to focus on everything else, I was paying attention to what truly mattered. I felt my whole body tingle, and my head felt empty. Talking to people ive known for long felt like a dream, it felt like I was finally accepted. The look in their eyes was wide and comforting, more so, it was the realization that I was accepted and loved for who I was all along, and looking around at all the life going on around me made me more aware of the fact that I have nothing to worry about. For whatever reason I couldn’t stop smiling. Although I didn’t know it at the time, I’ve had the power to be whole all along. It’s been years since I’ve looked around and smiled for no reason, I catch myself doing that more and more. The notion that observing life can make me so happy is a marker that my mind is finally without worry. I no longer have reasons to trouble myself with anxious thoughts, I have no reason to be nervous. I trust that regardless of whatever happens, I’ll be fine. I have every opportunity to live life exactly how I want to. Everything leading up to this moment has been worth it, all of the good parts of life have caught up to me and are presenting themselves in ways that contribute to me being whole. Everything that I’ve deserved for so long has reached out to me, like an invisible hand is with me, guiding me to having a live life to the fullest.”
