Until you do

And if I'm being honest? I

don't think you realize you love someone

until you do. I think that is what makes it so

beautiful. There is no loud, screeching halt

inside of your heart, no neon sign that

suddenly lights up and lets know that you

have found your favourite thing. you No. I

don't think it works like that. I think it's

quieter, calmer. One day you're just sitting

across from someone, and you're watching

them tell some story you've heard twenty

times, and everything inside of you feels

safe. Everything is serene, and peaceful, and

you almost laugh to yourself, because in the

midst of all of that chaos, you realize just

how deeply you care about them. In the

midst of the crowd, or the background

noise, or the chatter of other people in the

restaraunt, time slows down for a moment,

and there it is. There it is.

Pile of good things

Let people show up for you