I wish you safe travels

I roughly sit between the edge and centre of this galaxy. I feel to be alone, yet I am not. There are others here; however, aside from my fellow sapiens, they do not speak my language nor comprehend what I understand and know to be 'true.' I'm a human, but often at times - I do not know what I am. I'm unsure if this is a dream; if everyone is a part of my creation as I am to theirs. There is a lot happening within my mind, a lot of thoughts and worlds exist that I'm mentally capable of extracting through forms of art, although I never feel satisfied as if to say I entirely feel relieved of the enormous gravity within. It's very bizarre to be this intelligent surrounded by creatures that are not. It can be lonely. Where are we? What are we doing? What is this place? These are questions I'm capable of asking but not answering. I consider my birth and how I came to be; for it's overlooked that women created us, you know? It's unreal. People speak of their "he" gods, but I owe my physical body to the innovative nature of my mother. In my eyes, no myth or deity will rob her of that fulfilment and incredible power. However, where was I before that? Where have I been for the last 13.8 billion years of the observable universe? This planet is far older than my species, and this galaxy even more ancient; so I struggle to grasp why my kind are so alone. We are losing our minds to this. We are fighting each other - we have gone mad because not only do we feel so isolated collectively, but individually we do as well. Somehow, for some reason, I think we've intellectually outgrown our bodies way before we should have. A primate walking the moon does not sit well with our mentality; it's abnormal to be so primitive yet so advanced. However, here we are - here you are; an organism that is fundamentally just vibrations and energy holding a device displaying words I've typed hours, days or perhaps years ago. I could be dead right now, that's a thought, isn't it? I welcome you to the circumstances of the 21st-century human orbiting a dying star in what seems to be the middle of absolutely nowhere. I wish you safe travels.

Love should hold your hand
