art class

Darling, she is art. She hangs up under that spotlight on the wall of the museum. A few visitors passing by without a glance, others studying her layers of all the coats of paint on top of each other. Mesmerised by your first glance of the light gentle strokes, and the bright complexion. You just see the painting as the form it comes in, however the longer you look, the deeper you seek. You notice the cracks in the strokes of dried paint, with the undercoat seeking through. You notice that the story is deeper than the combination of the colors that swirl together at the surface. Your head starts to spin, your heart starts to hurt, and you give up to understand the mystery of art. And you leave the museum, without another glance. Darling, she is art. Art is not a waste of time, it’s a way to understand something so much deeper. And if you do, you do it with passion and purity. She is art, yet you never went to art class.

-Laura V.

opposites attract

an existential truth