Sometimes when people leave us or choose not to be with us, it is easy to take it personally and to think that it’s something we did or didn’t do. Or to think that we’re not enough. The key to remember, is that people aren’t running away from you- they are running away from the person that they would need to become in order to keep you. It is not a reflection of who you are or how worthy you are of them choosing you, it is the reflection of who they are and where they are on their own journey. Staying with you might require them to grow or evolve or change some things and they’re just not ready for. They would have to step up in order to be the kind of person you’re looking for.
Staying with you would mean that they would have to face parts of themselves that they’re not ready to confront yet. Instead of taking a personally, understand that their choices about their fears and their limitations say more about them than it does about you.
Remember that you deserve to be with somebody who is ready to grow and evolve with you. Who wants to be the best version of themselves for you and with you.