Opening the door

Good people do not run away from good people. A person is not running away because you’re not worthy nor because you’re not enough. A person is running away from the parts of themselves that they would have to fix in order to be with you. Not everyone is ready to be with you, not everyone is able to hold your love, not everyone is as ready as you are.

As much as it hurts and as much as it feels like rejection, it is only protection. It is only a blessing because the person that is running away from you is opening the door and allowing you to meet a good person. That just like you, is looking to grow and is looking to love.

Good people to not run away from good people. Some people only run away from the parts of themselves that they have to fix and they would have to work on in order to be with a good person.

The Other Writer, a poem

Surviving and Shit