She stopped

I was driving home and a car pulled out in front of me exiting a cafe and when they saw me coming at them they just stopped, right in the middle of the road, and if I had not put on my brakes I would have hit them. I then thought what the hell was going through her mind to have just stopped like that? If you see a car coming at you, don’t pull out and if you do pull out… drive. I then thought about that fight or flight concept. I thought maybe that woman’s response was neither- she just stopped. I thought maybe this is how some people react in life, they just stop. When they are scared, when they are happy, when they are sad, when they don’t know what to do. When someone is scared maybe they stop in their tracks like this woman did, like a deer in headlights. When people are happy sometimes they stop, to enjoy the moment, to take a picture, to capture the moment, to feel it for a little longer. And maybe, when people are happy they stop because they feel like they don’t deserve it.

When people are sad sometimes they stop because they want the sadness to end and they want to be happy. But maybe sometimes when people are sad, they stop because they feel like they deserve to feel that way. They stop themselves in order to feel the sadness. Maybe that woman stopped in the middle of the road because she felt she deserved to be hit. Maybe she has stopped herself from being happy her entire life because she felt she deserved to be sad and when she felt sad- she stopped and felt it.

Pieces of peace

Greatness, a realization