Chocolates and Cards

To love. Is to be vulnerable. When you love someone you become vulnerable.

Everything you tell them, you tell them in confidence. You trust them.

When you love someone, you trust them as much as you love them. No. When you love someone you trust them more than you love them. Because when you love someone you would never do or say anything to or about them, that would hurt them. But to say one doesn't hurt the person they love is a flawed statement. Something that cannot be promised.

How vulnerable you must be willing to be, in order to love someone. When you love someone you are giving them a part of you that can never be returned. And this is your time. And this is the most valuable part of ourselves we hold. Time.

When you love someone you choose to accept the possibility of pain. The possibility of being wrapped so tightly around someones fingers that when they decide to open their palms and place their hand around something else, you unwind. Nikita Gill once told me, it is eerily terrifying that there is no sound when a heart breaks. Car accidents end with a bang, falling ends with a thud, even writing makes the scratching sound of pencil against paper. But the sound of a heart breaking is completely silent. Almost as though no one, not even the universe itself could create a sound for such devastation. Almost as though silence is the only way the universe could pay its respect to the sound of a heart falling apart. 

But in the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside you.

This pain is vulnerability. Vulnerability is love. Love is to trust. And to trust is life. 

Embrace the pain. This is what makes you stronger. What doesn't kill you today will make you stronger tomorrow. This doesn't apply to everything in life, but it applies to love. Forest Gump once told me that life is like a box of chocolates. Jack Dawson once told me that life is like a game of cards and you never know which hand you're going to get dealt. When you love someone you are choosing to take one of those chocolates and passionately bite into it. Passion. To look at a flame and past the thought of it burning you, onto admire the warmth it exudes when you get close enough. When you love someone you take a bite of that chocolate and you play your hand of cards as best you can with the hand you were dealt and when you put down your cards, hopefully you will have a flame you are so passionate about that the love you have wrapped around your finger will be strong enough not to unwind. 

But if it does, this is okay. This is pain. This is vulnerability. This is love. This is life. If you love someone, love them enough to leave them free. Love them enough to allow them to be sound with every choice they make. Love them enough to shower them with your wisdom yet never drown them. If you love someone, love them enough to let them go. If they don't come back, still love them. Appreciate that the chocolate they chose just doesn't sit right with the chocolate you chose. Or maybe it does, just not during this round of cards- because it takes two; two whom must love the same taste of the chocolates bitten together, during the right round.

If you love someone, love them enough to let them go.

Wars, towers, and empathy, a poem

So stay you